Sunday, July 10, 2016

Smithsonian Museum of Natural History

Hello friendly bloggers. 
I hope your week was filled with stitching progress. I haven't done so on a regular basis, as with blogging. I was just burned out last week for filling in (one extra long day) for a coworker on vacation. I did some purchases though, some floss and charts just to make most of the shipping costs. I also purchased a digital copy of Cross Stitcher Magazine (June issue), there's a pattern I could not resist and I let niece in on my future secret project. The girl wants to start it herself (ooh, what could it be?) So next time I'll bring my 11ct. aida... which I should have done by now if I learned my lesson from that endearing(?) takeover.
So with no stitches to show, I've decided to pick up the trip recaps (which has been over month ago, how fast the days go by!), yep, 3 more Museums to go, sorry.
The Natural History Museum album:
The Rotunda. You are greeted by Henry, a large mounted African bull elephant weighing close to 12 tons.
On the upper floor-  Bones, bones, bones (humongous and teeny-weeny ones)- skeletons of different mammals, reptiles, birds, amphibians, fishes:
National Gem Collection:
(I didn't get to see the platinum and diamond earrings of Marie Antoinette)
Kenneth E. Behring Family Hall of Mammals - it's like being in a zoo at a standstill.
Sant Ocean Hall:
Sant Ocean Hall's Ambassador, Phoenix, is modeled after an actual North Atlantic right whale that was tracked since birth.
The Giant Squid (stretching 11 meters at captivity)
David H. Koch Hall of Human Origins - "shows how the characteristics that make us human evolved against a backdrop of dramatic change (beginning 6 million years ago)"

Thanks for visiting. Happy Stitching!


  1. very interesting love to see more hugs

  2. What an extensive museum! The National Gem Collection looks fascinating.

  3. Great pics! Thanks for sharing. Looks like a fascinating place to visit indeed.

  4. Nice photos. I would say they were definitely influenced by the original Nat Hist Museum in London. Only without all the ornate carvings!

  5. Great photos I think you got all of the big ones!

  6. Love your pictures!! When living in Chicago one of my two favorite museums was the Natural History Museum there. Seems like there was always something new and interesting to see and learn about.

  7. I love Natural History museums, no matter where they are. I once spent almost three days in the one in Berlin, it was so fantastic . Thanks for sharing all these pictures.

  8. Wonderful pics - looks like an interesting place:)) I hope you ordered some charts that we can stitch 'together':)) It was a lot of fun, and who knows, this time I may even do better:)) I'm actually thinking of starting a project from CrossStitcher too (I actually have a subscription):) A lovely colourful house with lots of bright flowers around it...I can feel my stitching mojo beginning to stir...:)
